Areas of Practice
Operating Under the Influence law is ever growing and ever becoming more complicated. We can help you navigate the complicated waters of a criminal charge and any Bureau of Motor Vehicle administrative hearing. The absolute minimum for an OUI criminal conviction is a $500 fine and a 150 day loss of license but this minimum can quickly escalate depending upon your criminal history, your blood alcohol content, if you refused a breathalyzer test and many other factors. OUIs are serious charges with serious consequences. You deserve serious representation. Call us today for a consultation. If you were represented by someone else on an OUI charge and want us to appeal your conviction do not delay in calling us. There are very strict time limits for filing an appeal.
Arson charges are often referred to as the most serious charges other than Murder in the State of Maine. Arson is a formerly capital offense. Most Arson cases are investigated by the State Fire Marshall Department who utilize scientific based investigations. Pratt & Simmons has experience in Arson cases and has developed a database of experts to challenge the State assumptions and investigations. Pratt & Simmons has the expertise and experts to challenge many aspects of Arson investigations as an example Pratt & Simmons has successfully challenged the reliability of a crime scene dog who allegedly “hit” on accelerant laden debris. If you were represented by someone else on a Arson charge and want us to appeal your conviction do not delay in calling us. There are very strict time limits for filing an appeal.
Probation violations
Winning a probation violation hearing is an uphill battle but not an impossible one. Probation violation require a much lower standard of proof then a criminal charge. Choose an experienced attorney who has actually had success in probation violation hearings. Pratt & Simmons can help with a hearing or can try to reach a negotiate settlement with the State to limit any sanctions.
Drug Trafficking
Drug Trafficking case vary widely depending upon the type of drug, the drug quantity, the location of the trafficking, whether it took place in a drug free zone, or a school zone, criminal history, and many other factors. Drug trafficking may carry very long maximum sentences and may carry very long mandatory minimum sentences. Drug trafficking have the potential to ruin the lives of the person charged and their families. Pratt & Simmons handles drug trafficking cases at the State and Federal level and they have the experience to understand the interplay between potential State and Federal prosecutions. Pratt & Simmons has the experience you need. If you were represented by someone else on a drug trafficking charge and want us to appeal your conviction do not delay in calling us. There are very strict time limits for filing an appeal.
sex crimes
There is probably no stigmatized crimes then sex crimes. If you there is even a possibility of you being charged with a sex crime call us immediately. Do not delay. Sex crimes can have several penalties that do not end with incarceration, for some sex crimes registration on sex offender registry is required. Just understanding what types of sex crimes requires what type of registration and for how long requires experience due to the complicated nature of the registry law. Pratt & Simmons knowledge of sex crimes on at trial and appellate level is extensive. If you want us to appeal your sex crime conviction do not delay in calling us. There are very strict time limits for filing an appeal.
If its a misdemeanor crime in Maine the odds are very good Pratt & Simmons has handled it. We have handled undersized lobster cases, operating after suspension, operating after revocation, operating without a license, night hunting, failing to stop for a school bus, disorderly conduct, assault and the list goes on and on. The only misdemeanor charge that comes to mind that we haven’t handled is unlawful possession of gift moose. If you were represented by someone else on a misdemeanor charge and want us to appeal your conviction do not delay in calling us. There are very strict time limits for filing an appeal.
The potential maximum penalty of a Theft charge is often determined by the value of the property allegedly stolen. Pratt & Simmons has the attention to detail and expertise needed to review business records and to properly determine market value by taking advantage of their technological skills. Records and other documentation often play an important role in Theft cases. Pratt & Simmons have the knowledge to know how to get favorable documents admitted into evidence and we have the knowledge to ensure the State does what the rules of evidence require to get documents admitted. Pratt & Simmons has the experience you need. If you were represented by someone else on a Theft charge and want us to appeal your conviction do not delay in calling us. There are very strict time limits for filing an appeal.
Burglaries cover a whole host of activities. They may be of a residence or a commercial structure and they require an individual to enter or to surreptitiously remain with intent to commit a crime therein. If no crime is committed, or attempted to be committed then a person is guilty of criminal trespass, which is a less serious crime. It is important to have a lawyer who knows the law and will vigorously defend you and your rights. If you were represented by someone else on a Burglary charge and want us to appeal your conviction do not delay in calling us. There are very strict time limits for filing an appeal. Give us a call today.
personal injury
Pratt & Simmons handles all types of personal injury cases. We can help you if you were injured in a car accident, if you were injured in a slip and fall, if you were the victim of the medical malpractice, if you were the victim of assault including domestic violence assault. If you were injured and it is the fault of another we maybe able help you can get compensated. Remember there is no upfront cost to you. We cover all upfront costs and only get paid if we are able to recover money for you. If we don’t win, we don’t get paid. Call us today to set up a consultation.
“While the machinery of law enforcement and indeed the nature of crime itself have changed dramatically since the Fourth Amendment became part of the Nation’s fundamental law in 1791, what the Framers understood then remains true today - that the task of combating crime and convicting the guilty will in every era seem of such critical and pressing concern that we may be lured by the temptations of expediency into forsaking our commitment to protecting individual liberty and privacy.”